This spring, an unforgettable story becomes an unforgettable Broadway show. Based on the classic book that continues to touch millions, this stunning new production will transport you to a magical world unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.
After an aviator descends from the sky to find himself in the middle of the desert, he meets the Little Prince, a young hero on an extraordinary adventure. Join the Little Prince on his journey as he meets many fascinating characters who help him learn how to follow his heart.
A fantasy of imaginative storytelling that combines theatrical stagecraft with aerial artistry, soaring music and electrifying choreography, THE LITTLE PRINCE is a spectacular immersive experience you’ll never forget. Coming to Broadway on March 4 through August 14 only. Don’t miss your chance… take flight with us!
'What is essential is invisible to the eye,' a fox tells the little prince. 'It's only visible to the heart.' The line is from Antoine de Saint-Exupery's beloved 1943 novella, 'The Little Prince.' It's also on a t-shirt that's selling in the lobby of the Broadway Theater during the four-month run in New York of this touring stage version by a French creative team, all of whom are making their Broadway debuts. The line is unintentionally ironic when the narrator utters it on stage, though, because this 'The Little Prince,' - half dance-theater, half circus acrobatics - is a half-hearted theatrical adaptation that's almost entirely visual. There are very few words, and they are upstaged by the vivid video projections that serve as backdrops. The only character who speaks is the narrator, mostly in English but sometimes in French*, portrayed by Chris Mouron, who also wrote the libretto (such as it is) and co-directed the production.
Everyone in the large cast, whether engaging in various dance styles, gymnastic tumbling or soaring and twisting high above the stage, gets a moment to shine, with the slight, wild-haired Zalachas in the title role impressive throughout. Even when the production crosses into the overlong and bloated, Zalachas comes swinging by, demanding our attention yet again.
2022 | Broadway |
Original Broadway Production Broadway |
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