Lanes Coven Theater Co | Gloucester, MA
MAGMA (Movement Arts Gloucester MA)
11 Pleasant Street
Suite 64
Gloucester, MA 01930
MAGMA is a dance studio up two grand flights of stairs. ADA accessibility is via an elevator at the street level.
Written by Suzan-Lori Parks
Directed by Kadeem Ali Harris
Written by William Shakespeare
Directed by TBD
Expected to attend:
Artistic Directors - Lily Narbonne and Justin Genna
First Rehearsal: May 13th
Tech: May 27, 28, 29
First Performance: May 30th
Final Performance: June 15th
First Rehearsal: June 24th
First Performance: July 11th
Final Performance: July 27th
Venue: Windhover Performing Arts Center in Rockport, MA.
TOPDOG UNDERDOG - Indoors, in their Chapel space.
LOVE'S LABOUR'S LOST - outdoors under-the-tent.
Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA
Saturday, February 1, 2025
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (E)
Lunch 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
To schedule an audition appointment please email: - With the date and time you wish to audition and a request for Sides, if wanted. Please don't request an appointment during the lunch break. Expect a response during regular business hours (9am-5pm) Mondays-Fridays.
$482 weekly minimum (SPT 4) - TOPDOG UNDERDOG
$450 weekly minimum (SPT 3) - LOVE'S LABOUR'S LOST
Equity actors for roles in Lanes Coven Theatre Company's 2025 Season (See breakdown). Local Gloucester, MA area actors are encouraged to audition.
Performers of all ethnicities and genders are encouraged to audition.
For TOPDOG UNDERDOG - Please prepare a monologue (contemporary or Shakespeare) under 1.5 minutes that embraces gender-fluid, or cross-gender, or gender-bended casting. Also, please bring your headshot and resume stapled together. For LOVE'S LABOUR'S LOST - Please prepare either one Shakespeare monologue under 1.5 minutes (preferably comedy) OR prepare Sides. Sides may be requested when you email for your audition appointment. Please print your own Sides. Please bring your headshot and resume stapled together.
An Equity Monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.
Equity's contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.
Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.
Lanes Coven Theater Co has been approved by DPS for Gender Fluid Casting for our production of Suzan-Lori Parks’ 2001 Topdog/Underdog. “Gender-fluid casting is approved by the Author; all characters must remain male, and no pronouns or other text may be changed within the Acting Edition.”
Doubling/tripling is still TBD. Age ranges and genders are flexible.
King Ferdinand of Navarre (Male Identifying, 30s - 50s) - A Charismatic Leader with a strong intellectual side. He vows to abstain from love but is struggling with this promise.
Berowne (Male Identifying, late 20s - 40s) - The wittiest lord closest with the King. Perhaps has the most drastic arc in that he is sarcastic and initially skeptical of love but then falls for Rosaline and writes a profound love letter to her.
Longaville (Male Identifying, 20s - 30s) - A friend of Berowne and The King, who goes along with this vow. A character unsure and exploring his sexuality. He ends up lusting after Boyet.
Anthony Dull (Any Gender, any age) - “Slow” constable or law-man, loyal to the King, tasked with the private detail of Jaquenetta.
The Princess of France (Female Identifying, 30s - 40s) - A clever and strong-willed woman on a political mission from her father the King of France, to clear up a debt between France and Navarre.
Rosaline (Female Identifying, 20s - 40s) — The wittiest lady-in-waiting to the Princess. Sharp and independent, she is a mental match to Berowne but challenges his romantic declarations.
Katherine (Female Identifying, 20s - 30s) — A spit-fire lady-in-waiting who is seeing through this vow nonsense.
Boyet (Male or Non-Binary Identifying, 20s - 30s) - A confidently “out” queer male, an extremely observant court-attendant figure, who serves as a messenger to the Princess and her ladies in waiting.
Costard (Any Gender, any age) - the quintessential Shakespeare clown who has a love for language, often getting into trouble. Has significant comedic ability with language and physicality.
Jaquenetta (Female Identifying, 20s - 30s) — a simple country girl who CAN read! Rolls with Anthony Dull.
Don Adriano di Armado (Any Gender, 30s - 50s) - a pompous braggadocious Spaniard Lord, visiting Navarre, because he’s foreign he’s made fun of by the Navarre men and French women. Lusts after Jaquenetta.
Moth (Any Gender, 20s - 30s) — Young, quick-witted sidekick to Don Armado. Can sing. Can possibly play guitar on an instrument.